Portrait of a Timekeeper, 2015
Performance with clock tower
Duration: 24 hrs (3 days)
Expectations, Art Now: Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Toronto, Canada
Curators: TIMEANDDESIRE (Denise St. Marie & Timothy Walker)
Photo Credits: Miklos Legrady
06.21.2015 - 07.20.2015
Situated on the Nathan Phillips Square event stage, Portrait of a Timekeeper tests the limits of the human body in the face of relentless punctuality. In the absence of a public clock at the current Toronto City Hall, DiCarlo performs an endurance-based test to manually keep time for the duration of the art fair, transforming the stage into a functional site of temporal measurement. Through repetition and inevitable human error, DiCarlo struggles to calibrate her internal clock with Old City Hall’s clock tower chimes; using repurposed bells to express the expected 15-minute marked intervals, resulting in a cacophonic duet.